In what may have been a simple mistake by EA the MUT 16 item database website has revealed the MUT 16 Master rewards. In a twist there appear to be multiple 99 overall MUT 16 Master cards available from launch. The biggest question here is how to obtain these cards. We all expected a MUT Master OBJ, but the Marshawn Lynch and Steve Young are certainly an unexpected surprise. All three of the MUT 16 Master reward cards look great, but the MUT Master OBJ certainly looks incredible and a valuable addition to any squad. Hopefully these cards all require a lengthy grind to achieve so that the auction block does not get filled with them within the first month of the game.
Hopefully the details on how to obtain these MUT 16 Master reward cards will be revealed by EA during their live stream on Wednesday August 19th. Take a quick look below at the card art (excellent) and the stats for the expected and unexpected MUT 16 Master reward cards.