Today we look deeper into a tip without any video today. Most players that we come up against have the Auto Flip feature on defense turned off because it messes up their defensive setups. With auto flip turned off it provides the same look time and time again. However there are a handful of players who have left this turned on. Today we discuss how to combat this!

1) When facing an auto flipper running something like Buck Slant 3 it will always place the blitzer on the opposite of the running back. This makes having to block the blitz more of a pain than it should be.
2) When facing an auto flipper using non base aligned coverage for run defense you will see that generally the numbers are stacked against you for the run you likely want to run.
3) Flipping the play at the play call screen does NOTHING to combat this as the defensive auto flip occurs as soon as you release from the huddle.

How do you beat this? Well it’s actually quite simple. At the play call screen select the OPPOSITE way you want to run your play and as soon as the huddle breaks just flip your play. At this point the auto flip will not flip when you do so, and it does not take nearly as much time as when you flip after being already set. Sure they can manually flip their defense now too – but there is nothing we can do there.

We hope this helps for those few games you run into the classic auto flipper!